For over three decades we’ve dedicated ourselves to enhancing the spoken image of companies, sales organizations, and individuals. We make recordings in all languages. We sharpen leadership communication skills. And we prepare the next generation of professional voice over talent for lucrative home-based careers behind the microphone.
Our guiding principle is simple: Within seconds of hearing your voice and the voices that greet and serve your customers, people form an image of your professionalism and competence. Those communications are your enduring spoken image, the audible equivalent of a printed logo, and our job is to help you create and nurture it.
At The Great Voice Company, we ensure that every point of spoken contact is consistent with the promise of your brand—the voices people hear when they call your automated IVR and the voices in your web videos, advertising, and training materials. We extend your voice brand to the presentations by your leaders, sales professionals, and front-line staff as they interact with customers and stakeholders.
For over three decades we’ve dedicated ourselves to enhancing the spoken image of companies, sales organizations, and individuals. We make recordings in all languages. We sharpen leadership communication skills. And we prepare the next generation of professional voice over talent for lucrative home-based careers behind the microphone.
Our guiding principle is simple: Within seconds of hearing your voice and the voices that greet and serve your customers, people form an image of your professionalism and competence. Those communications are your enduring spoken image, the audible equivalent of a printed logo, and our job is to help you create and nurture it.
At The Great Voice Company, we ensure that every point of spoken contact is consistent with the promise of your brand—the voices people hear when they call your automated IVR and the voices in your web videos, advertising, and training materials. We extend your voice brand to the presentations by your leaders, sales professionals, and front-line staff as they interact with customers and stakeholders.
To help create the sounds of your success, the Great Voice Company combines a veteran team of audio production specialists and a carefully vetted pool of voice talent. The company’s founder, Susan Berkley, also serves as a leadership communications and training consultant. Berkley is the signature voice of Citibank and one of the most listened-to voices in America.
She is the author of Speak To Influence®: How To Unlock The Hidden Power of Your Voice, and the creator of the Mic To Money™ voice talent training system. Berkley is also an in-demand speaker who has been featured in The New York Times, ABC News and CNBC. She counsels executives on key presentations and trains customer-contact and sales staff in her 4 Vocal Influence Types™ and proprietary Speak To Influence® framework.
We’re honored to count as customers Citibank, Express Scripts, Google, AT&T, XPO Logistics, Home Depot, and The Agora Companies. And we’re grateful to the numerous entrepreneurs, business leaders and professional voice talents who credit The Great Voice Company for their success.
“How the world hears you” is more than our slogan: it is the key to your communications success. Call us today at 800.333.8108 or contact us here.
Susan Berkley
Founder of Great Voice
Susan Berkley
Founder of Great Voice
She is the author of Speak To Influence®: How To Unlock The Hidden Power of Your Voice, and the creator of the Mic To Money™ voice talent training system. Berkley is also an in-demand speaker who has been featured in The New York Times, ABC News and CNBC. She counsels executives on key presentations and trains customer-contact and sales staff in her 4 Vocal Influence Types™ and proprietary Speak To Influence® framework.
We’re honored to count as customers Citibank, Express Scripts, Google, AT&T, XPO Logistics, Home Depot, and The Agora Companies. And we’re grateful to the numerous entrepreneurs, business leaders and professional voice talents who credit The Great Voice Company for their success.
“How the world hears you” is more than our slogan: it is the key to your communications success. Call us today at 866.957.2807 or contact us here.
Some Of Our Clients
Some Of
Our Clients
IVR Customers
Get In Touch
Are you ready to work with us? Have any questions or concerns? Reach out to us! You can give us a call at 800-333-8108, email us at info@greatvoice.com, or fill out the form below. We look forward to speaking with you!
Get In Touch
Are you ready to work with us? Have any questions or concerns? Reach out to us! You can give us a call at 800-333-8108, email us at info@greatvoice.com, or fill out the form below. We look forward to speaking with you!
Great Voice Success Stories
Great Voice
Success Stories
“We have worked with The Great Voice Company for two years. We have received the highest level of service under very tight deadlines. Additionally, we appreciate the level of attention paid to detail when foreign languages are required. Thank you for your consistent dedication to excellence!”
I just booked TWO radio spots for the NBA!
“After working intensely with Susan Berkley in not one, but two of her private mentorship programs, I’m so pleased to say my voice over career is really taking off. I landed a top talent agent in New York City, my voice is going to be on two radio commercials for the NBA Playoffs & Finals, and I’m getting steady work as an e-Learning voice talent. I’m grateful for all of these opportunities! Susan and her team at Great Voice have supported me every step of the way! I can’t thank them enough!”
“I’ve been in sales for over 9 years and learned so much after working with Susan that the very month after working with her I had the all-time greatest sales month of my career!”