
So, you’re getting ready to start a new business, your voice over business. Congratulations!

You need business cards, because that’s what everyone does when they start a business, and a nifty logo because you gotta’ have one of those too, right?

How ’bout slapping that logo on some pens, maybe a case of branded coffee mugs. Mouse pads anyone?

Oh, and then there’s your website. You need one of those too but what do you call it?

“Voice and Vision?” Catchy, but sounds a bit like a singing optometrist.

“Voice In the Valley?” Nice ring to it, but could peg you as a professional yodeler.

What about one of those entrepreneurial tech names like Voicelogix,Vocaplex, Voiceinatrix? That won’t do either– unless you offer whips, boots and black leather with your sound files.

What’s a voice artist to do?

Stop, take a deep breath, sit back and click the link to this weeks Inside Voice Over Video Training blog,

The subject is branding your voice over business and I’ve got a lot to say that’s going to really open your eyes and save you some money too.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley
Founder, The Great Voice Company

PS: I’m doing a small group Mic To Money Bootcamp June 22-24 for voice over beginners at the Great Voice studios in NJ. We’re going to spend 2 1/2 days going deep in applying the “Mic To Money”™ performance and marketing framework to your voice over business and teach you how to set up and operate an inexpensive home studio.

Would you like to join us? Email and I’ll get you the details.