To be successful in voice over you don’t need an exceptional voice, you don’t need to invest a lot of money, and you don’t need show-business connections.
If you’re looking for an enjoyable way to supplement your income with a flexible, home-based business, voice over is the ideal part-time money hobby or business opportunity.
Inside these pages you’ll discover:
- 14 exciting, fun and unusual ways to use your speaking voice to make big money in voice overs.
- Why the explosion of technology has unleashed a flood of new opportunity in voice over for all types of voices.
- An in-depth look at profitable opportunities in 14 niche voice over markets
- Why voice over is the ideal home-based lifestyle business
- How to set up an inexpensive home studio in a closet or corner of your room
- The surprising truth about best types of voices for voice over
- Where to find the best customers for your voice over business
- A proven plan for enjoying a successful home-based voice over business