
Susan Berkley’s Life Story

Got A Great Voice?

Start Your Voice Over Career Today For Only $47!

Includes INSTANT ACCESS to THE VO START HERE on-line training
With Famous Voice Over Artist Susan Berkley
Includes A Scheduled Telephone Consultation With Our Talent Advisor

In the four “VO START HERE” on-line training videos you get Susan Berkley’s proven professional voice over performance techniques to help you:
  • Interpret voice over scripts like a pro
  • Feel comfortable behind the microphone
  • Gain confidence as you develop your voice over performance skills.
You’ll use these easy voice over performance shortcuts again and again in every audition and recording session you ever do throughout your voice over career.

100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

Download and enjoy Susan Berkley’s

VO START HERE training videos. Complete your voice consultation with our talent advisor. If for any reason you feel the program was not worth your time or money, simply let us know and we’ll issue a prompt, hassle-fee refund, plus keep the videos with our compliments.

About Susan Berkley

Susan Berkley is the voice of AT&T and Citibank and one of the most listened to voices in America. She is the author of “Speak To Influence: How To Unlock The Hidden Power Of Your Voice” and President of The Great Voice Company. Since 1987, her training programs have helped launch thousands of successful voice-over careers.

Grab your seat in my “VO START HERE”
voice over coaching program for only $47

Questions? Call us at 866-957-2807