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Susan Berkley is the voice of AT&T and Citibank and one of the most listened to voices in America. She is the author of “Speak To Influence: How To Unlock The Hidden Power Of Your Voice” and President of The Great Voice Company. Since 1987, her training programs have helped launch thousands of successful voice-over careers.

“Great Class! Excellent Energy! Wealth of information and resources. The information seems to cater to a variety of experiences. I love the fact that Susan goes beyond just technique and deals with the person inside and many of the ways we get in our own way. A very caring and honest approach to the business of voice over.”
-Camille V. Harris, Flint, MI

“Susan, I wanted to say thank you for your direction the last few weeks. Your class was very informative and has given me a kick in the back side to get out and go! I found you on the Internet and read your info. What sets you apart from all those others is I see that you really care for the people you work with. Your dedication to the business is phenomenal!”
-Bill McManama, Norfolk, VA (graduate, voice-over teleclass)

“The reason I’m into voice over is I’ve always loved performing and singing. I’ve been following Susan for a while online with her mailings and her emails and the free information that she hands across to aspiring voice actors is just very generous. I’ve learned a lot just by being in association with Susan:
Don’t criticize yourself, you’re not the director.
Be in the moment, and give of yourself.When the time was right I said to myself, “I’m done getting ready to get ready,” and now I’m here.
-Jean Kraft,Annandale, Minnesota

“Susan-I know that the best part of teaching is that knowing what you’re doing is working. I wanted you to know I booked two industrials and one national spot this week alone. The frequency of auditions I’m winning have improved immensely in the last few weeks. Thanks!”
-Mark Skibba (graduate, voice-over teleclass)

“Good News! I just voiced a job for a political message that is now running state-wide in neighboring Minnesota. I have also voiced a ‘real live’ movie trailer for an independent film company! The movie is called, ‘Evil Behind You.’ ”
-Randy Dean, Green Bay, WI (graduate, voice-over teleclass and bootcamp)

“I really enjoyed our first class! The next day I had an audition where I applied what I learned. I was able to get into character with no problem! I got great feedback from the producers and my agent called later to say that they loved me!”
-Maya Cameron, Detroit MI

“Susan, I’m loving your Wednesday evening teleclass. Seriously. Granted, I was pretty tentative when it started, but with your no-nonsense, pull-no-punches style of telling it like it is and drawing the best out of each person again and again, week after week, I’ve come to realize that I CAN do this! Getting my skill level up to where it needs to be is going to be a challenge, and breaking into the market won’t be a cakewalk, but I’m convinced that you’ve already given me the essential know-how to do it, and do it well. I know what steps to take next with my voice, and I know what steps to take next with my career. Thank you, Susan Berkley. Your class rocks, and so do you.”
-Bryan Todd, Lincoln, NE

“Just a quick note to let you know that I followed your evaluation advice and it has already paid off. I just got a great job of a 3 page read for a complicated piece of telecom test gear . I did the read in a single take, full of complicated terms and acronyms. I’m happy to say that 3 days later, I got an email hiring me for the job!”– Mark Fletcher (“Fletch”), Ringwood, NJ

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