Are you planning for a satisfying, fun retirement or a home-based money hobby doing voice overs?
Would you like to enjoy life, make some extra money on the side and express yourself doing voice overs?
Do you wonder if you have what it takes?
Are you feeling intimidated by home studio technology?
Are you doing audition after audition but not getting jobs?
Are you struggling with marketing your services?
Would you like to regain control of your time, be your own boss and work from anywhere?
What makes Mic To Money So Different?
The Mic To Money “Monetize Your Voice” system is revolutionary because it teaches you right from the start to stop focusing on your voice and instead target a specific group of potential customers who are a great fit for your interests, voice type and the life skills you’ve worked hard to acquire. Unlike voice over artists who feel frustrated because they don’t have a workable marketing plan and waste time trying to audition just a little bit better than everybody else in the crowded, on-line marketplace, thousands of people have started successful voice over careers following the Mic To Money framework and marketing system.
But how can you know if you are doing it right?The best way is to enroll in the Mic To Money training. We understand how confusing and intimidating it can be to get started in voice over when you’ve never done this before. We help you launch your voice over business with a clear, customized, step-by-step plan for monetizing your voice.
The Mic To Money training is taught by Susan Berkley, founder of The Great Voice Company and creator of the Monetize Your Voice™ framework.
The list of professional voice talent who freely reference Susan and The Great Voice Company as their primary mentor for voice over training is just staggering. As the voice of AT&T and Citibank, Susan is one of the most listened-to voices in America.
As a former radio personality, and former cast member on the Howard Stern Show, her voice has been featured on hundreds of broadcast and non-broadcast productions including promos for Lifetime, The Travel Channel and CNBC.
She is the author of “Speak to Influence: How to Unlock The Hidden Power of Your Voice” and “Voice Over Secrets Revealed.” The Mic To Money System which was created by Susan to help her market and grow her own voice over business and over the years, has resulted in millions of dollars in revenue.
With Our Mic To Money Voice Over Training Course, you will:
- Master home studio recording skills
- Perform voice overs with ease
- Discover your perfect niche market(s)
- Comfortably sell and market your voice over services
- Have a great group of satisfied voice over customers who stick with you and keep coming back for more.
Let Your Voice Be Heard With The Great Voice Company
For over thirty years, The Great Voice Company has helped countless individuals begin their voice artist training and successful voice acting careers through the use of our revolutionary voice over training lessons and programs. Whether you’re looking to improve public speaking skills or learn how to truly captivate your company or an entire audience with the help of our leadership communication skills training, our team of experts at The Great Voice Company are devoted to helping individuals find their voice and share it with the world.
Successful voice over careers are born when you realize that the needs of your potential customers are more important than the sound of your voice. Our voice over students report dramatic growth in their business after learning the Mic To Money System. Once you market your services with the customer in mind, your voice over business will thrive.
Apply for the Mic To Money training today and start your voice over career with The Great Voice Company and Susan Berkley. Because when you start with the customer in mind, your marketing starts working, you don’t waste time, and you quickly become everybody’s favorite voice talent.
Mic To Money is offered in these 2 formats:
The Complete
Mic To Money Training
Our most popular comprehensive 6-month training program for those who wish to start and succeed in voice overs
Mic To Money
On-Line Training
Includes Bonus Ticket to Bootcamp
Get started now! Step-by-step guidance in voice over performance and home studio skills + how to market and sell your voice.
Become a Voice Actor With The Great Voice Company
Wouldn’t you love to work from home using only your voice? Or maybe you’d like to earn some money on the side with a hobby during retirement? With the help of our voice over experts at The Great Voice Company, this dream can quickly become a reality. We will provide you with an all-inclusive voice over training program which includes course lessons and voice artist training tips. Plus, we’ll even help you find your target audience to begin an exciting career or hobby in voice acting.
When you partner with The Great Voice Company for voice over training, you know that you’ll be gaining the industry-leading professional tools and tips to sharpen your speech and cultivate your voice over marketing skills.
We’ll Teach You How To Find Voice Over Work
Far too often, aspiring voice over actors chase their dreams without the proper voice artist training or functional business model. Rather than merely attending countless auditions with the hopes of outperforming the competition, our proven voice over training course was designed to provide our voice over trainees with the voice acting lessons and programs which create a formula for success.
With the direction of our veteran audio production specialists, voice over training students will have an inside look at the tips and tricks of the trade and become familiar with home-voice equipment and the entire voice over production process through their customized training course.
Our Mic To Money “Monetize Your Voice™” Voice Training System
Using the programs developed by our founder, Susan Berkley, you can attend a workshop or begin your voice over training today with a private coach for individual voice artist training lessons. She’s created a proven four-step solution to helping novice voice acting students develop their skills and establish a functional business model.