
I’ve been in the business long enough to remember recording on reel to reel tape.

In my voice over studio I had two huge Tascam reel to reel machines, lots of white wax pencils, sticky tape, razor blades and band aids. Fixing flubs was a real ordeal .

You’d listen on slow speed, mark the mistake with the wax pencil, slice it out, and stick the whole thing back together again.

Removing breaths required surgical precision and not infrequently, you’d slice off the beginning of a word (and hopefully not a piece of your finger) and have to record the whole thing all over again.

The editing we do today in minutes took hours.

Voice over beginners mistakenly believe they have to read the script perfectly from beginning to end, but this is never the case.

Today’s audio software easily and quickly removes the slightest imperfection, making multiple takes sound like a single, cohesive read.

In today’s Inside Voice Over, I’ve got 5 practical tips to help you deal with the inevitable flubs in any voice over performance.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company


Launch your new voice over career in 2019! Get ready with our Voice Over Accelerator Bootcamp Dec. 1-3 at the Great Voice Studios. Only 10 available seats and they’re going fast! Questions? 800-333-8108, or

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