
Hope you had a great holiday weekend!

Last week I actually got on a plane for a short business trip, masked and sanitized, grateful for all the airline personnel who did their best to make it possible.

Getting back on an airplane wasn’t too bad, but let’s face it, these days most of us will be driving rather than flying to our summer vacations.

So in this week’s Inside Voice Over Video training blog I’ve got a “Best OF” video with my tips for doing voice over from the road.

And by the way, in the video I talk about how to use pillows, towels and a luggage rack to create a make shift hotel room recording booth.

I set one up at home so you can see what it looks like:

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

Susan Berkley
Signature voice of Citibank
Founder, The Great Voice Company

PS: Start your new home based voice over business this summer with my Virtual Voice Over Bootcamp this Saturday July 11th. Sharpen your performance skills, learn my Mic To Money Monetize Your Voice Formula ™ and spend a fun-filled day with me and a great group of emerging voice talent. Details at