The other night I was on a call with a group of my best students from our Voice Over Training Institute, and we were talking about marketing.
People were reporting in about how they were doing (very well!) and I was helping them where they were stuck.
Someone asked about using gimmicks like branded mic-shaped thumb drives, mouse pads and other giveaways to get people’s attention and hopefully get work.
I think they were pretty shocked by my answer.
I told them cute marketing gimmicks are generally a complete waste of their time and money.
What works, of course, are the proven principles of marketing which I teach in my programs.
Marketing is the 3rd Pillar of Voice Over Success and today you can watch a short video about it here:
Sorry if you already know this, but even if you have the best voice in the world, you’re not going to be magically “discovered” if you don’t follow proven marketing principles and take the right action to get customers.
But when you have a voice over marketing breakthrough, the rewards are very, very sweet.
Watch my new short video to learn about Marketing the THIRD pillar of voice over success Miss #1 and #2? You can catch it here too. (And stay tuned for Pillar 4 next week 🙂
And after you watch the video I want to know your thoughts about your voice over marketing. Have you done any yet? How is it working out?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments box. I want to read about what’s on your mind so I can support you.
To your voice over success,
Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company
Click here to watch last weeks video “Your home studio headaches are over”
Again great information !!
Hello and I truly have enjoyed the info you have sent me online, I really want to attend the bootcamp but because of my job I will have to wait untill next year. I was wondering in the 3rd pillar or in this short video you mention that there was 14 niche markets I was wondering if you can share those with me. I really want to get into the business of voiceover I’m happy I found you and I know my time is coming soon. All your videos are great and so very helpfully to me. Thank you so much!!! I hope to hear from you soon.