
I’ve got a question for you today.

How long have you been talking about getting into voice overs?

Be honest with me now.

Has it been weeks, months, years?

However long it’s been I’ll bet it’s nagging at you, right?

With every day that passes you’re procrastinating about achieving your goals and living the life of your dreams.
And that doesn’t feel very good, does it.

But it’s not your fault.

You’re suffering from a condition I call GRTGR (GRIT-grr)
— Getting Ready To Get Ready.

You see, there’s so much conflicting (and frankly, bad) information about voice over out there, it’s easy to get confused and stuck going down a dead end.

But what if you had a secret weapon and a simple plan to follow that could quickly help you reach your goals?

That’s what we’re about here at The Great Voice Company.

What if you had clear support and guidance that could keep you on track when you got snagged on Mindset issues like GRTGR?
Mindset is the 4th Pillar of Voice Over Success and today you can watch a short video about it here:

The thing about mindset issues is that they can stop you dead in your tracks even (and especially!) when everything else is going right. I’ve learned this the hard way and it’s why I spend 6 weeks every year down in Brazil studying with my mentor the renowned psychoanalyst Dr Norberto Keppe and bringing what I learn about maximizing human potential back to you to help you achieve success.

Watch my new short video to learn about MINDSET the FOURTH pillar of voice over success Miss videos 1, 2 or 3? You can catch them here too.

(And after you watch the video I want to know your thoughts about your voice over mindset. Do you suffer from GRTGR? How is it affecting you?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments box. I want to read about what’s on your mind so I can support you.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company

Click here to watch last weeks video “The Secret Sauce To Voice Over Success”