
Because of the wide range of variations in spelling, pronunciation, usage, and even cultural references, translating language for voice overs presents many challenges. The process of tailoring a message into various languages with accurate linguistics and attention to dialect, all while maintaining its integrity, is known as localization. And it’s our consideration of these subtle differences in languages that have allowed us at The Great Voice Company to be experts in providing multilingual translation and localization services for our clients. 

Since knowing how to adapt your work for translation and localization makes the process easier, here are some of the most common localization pitfalls, and some ways to avoid them:

  1. Poor Timing and Synchronization

It’s essential to pay attention to the timing of a voice over to ensure there is an allowance for translating it into longer languages. For instance, if a recording in English is synced with a video, then the video’s timing stems from that language.

But since many languages expand when translated—particularly when English is the source—it can present challenges to properly synchronizing the video with the translation. This can lead to the voice over artist needing to rush the delivery of their lines in order to match the timing of the video. A translator can sometimes address these problems by condensing or rearranging sentences to make it easier for the voice over artist to read them within a particular time frame.

  1. Not Referencing the Source Material

When translating any content that needs to be recorded, it’s critical for the linguist to pay attention to the source material before reading the translated script independently. This will help them better understand both the overall tone of the recording, as well as details such as context and other frames of reference.

Many of us have heard of companies who had their slogans or brand message accidentally translated into something comical or even offensive in the target language. To avoid this localization blunder, it’s critical for translators to either be localization experts, or to work closely with them to ensure the content suits its audience and their culture.

  1. Underestimating Its Impact

Localization is not always an easy task. In fact, it can even be risky, especially if the job is left to subpar translators. Think about it—an error in translating will make you look inept to your target audience, leaving a lasting negative impression on them.

Having a team of qualified and experienced translators who understand the preferences and nuances of the language are essential to successful localization efforts.

At The Great Voice Company, we can provide expert voice over services in just about any language or dialect. Using hand-picked native speakers and translators from our bank of voice artists and our 15-point quality control process, we ensure quality and accuracy for every project we complete.

For more information on localization or our voice over services, please contact us today!