Back seat of a car. Under a comforter. In the closet.

Sounds like a set up for the fulfillment of teenage lust, doesn’t it.
(7 minutes in heaven anyone?)

But no, it’s a lot less thrilling than that.

These are just a few of the many cramped, isolated places where voice talent record to achieve a little bit of sound isolation.

I spoke to a woman who tried to stuff herself into her armoire to record and a guy who emptied the hotel mini bar and used the little fridge as a porta booth (!).

Hey, line it with pillows and a couple of towels and it ain’t too bad.

But seriously, except for a properly prepared closet, none of these solutions is practical for your home studio.

In this week’s Inside Voice Over, I go on location to share some of my favorite tricks about the best place in your home to record. It’s one of my most popular videos from a few years ago and my advice still stands today.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley
Founder, The Great Voice Company

PS. By the way, I’ll be coaching and mentoring a very small group of voice over beginners and emerging talent at my Mic To Money Bootcamp September 21-23. Learn my Perfect Performance techniques, the Mic To Money Marketing Framework and get a home studio Tech Check.Contact: or 800-333-8108.

P.S. Ready to get started? The first step is a professional voice consultation with our talent advisor. He’ll listen to you read some scripts and do a thorough assessment of your baseline potential with specific recommendations about where to go from here. To take the first step, click here now

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