
So you book your first professional voice over.

Congratulations! You’re so excited you tell everyone you know.

You’ve got the script, your home studio is all ready to go and your client will be calling in to direct you over the phone.

The session begins, things start out pretty well, but then the client asks you to read certain lines over and over again, directing you to try it this way and that.

They don’t seem upset or anything but the session goes on and on.

Why aren’t they satisfied? Are you doing something wrong?

You start to sweat. Your throat goes dry. This is your first voice over job, but you fear it will be your last.
What’s going on?

Actually, what you’re experiencing is very common so you can take a deep breath and relax.

In this week’s Inside Voice Over Video training video blog I’ll help you prepare for a professional recording session and give you the confidence you need to handle it like a pro…even if you do have to read the same line over and over again 25 times.

Watch It Here Now

After you watch the video, I want to know your thoughts. Was this helpful?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments box. I want to read about what’s on your mind so I can support you and share your best practices.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company

P.S. HURRY! Our next Voice Over Bootcamp Recording Studio Immersion Experience in NYC June 18-20 is almost sold out. Get details here or call 800-333-8108.

Here are some comments from people who attended our April Bootcamp:

Real Coaching, Real Direction

“Susan’s program is phenomenal! Real coaching, real direction, and showing you how to stretch your natural gift of voice over. More importantly, sharing the mindset and what it takes to build the business. Thank you Susan and GVC!” Eddie Martinez, Manlius NY

Awesome People and Support

“The support received at the Boot camp was second to none! Susan and Adriana took all of their experience, wrapped it up into a fun and understandable package and gifted it to us! After working with them, I have the confidence to move forward and take the steps necessary to own my own life. I can’t say Thank you enough for what they provided me!” Julianne Thornton, Warwick, RI

An Action-Packed Blueprint!

“I found the Voice Over Immersion over this past weekend a remarkable, action packed blueprint for marketing my Voice Over business and deepening my understanding of the creative work for voice talent. As an actor, I was humbled by the process and inspired by the growth. The entire Great Voice Company team each brought a vital piece to imparting these gems!” Beth Kucharczyk, Garden City, NY