
When I was first starting my voice over career I had a recurring nightmare: a harsh, accusing voice on the other end of the phone asking over and over: “What’s your experience? What have you done before? What’s your experience? What have you done before? What’s your experience? What have you done before?”

At the time the answer was nothing and I dreaded running into that guy while making my marketing calls.

Fortunately he never materialized and before long I had lots of real jobs to talk about.

But if you’re just starting out, you might wondering what to say when people ask you questions about your experience and rates.

Questions that can catch you completely off guard like…

What do you charge?

Give me a range for your services.

Where can I hear samples of your work?

As always, in this week’s Inside Voice Over I have your back with some practical advice about how to handle the dreaded rate and experience question when you’re a brand new beginner.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you view the video leave me a comment. I love getting to know you and learning how I can help.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company

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