
A big part of having a successful voice over business is getting crystal clear about your purpose.

Unfortunately, many people start with vague reasons: seems like it would be fun, people tell me I have a good voice, maybe I can make some extra money on the side…that sort of thing.

But here’s the thing: when you really think about it, you’ll discover that a successful, sustainable voice over business isn’t possible if you’re only in it for your own pleasure and amusement.

Your job is to pick a group of potential customers where you can add value to their projects, make their lives easier, give them one less thing to worry about.

You, my friend, are not here to be a voice over star. You are here to serve.

For example, in my own voice over business I partnered with voice talents who spoke other languages and with translation companies who could translate my client’s scripts.

This added value made me a one-stop shop and my business skyrocketed.

I’ve identified 6 ways to get more voice over jobs because you add value to your voice over customers and I’ll walk you through them this week’s Inside Voice Over video training blog.

Click here to watch the short video and when you’re done, be sure to leave a comment. I always love to learn what’s on your mind!

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company


Would you like to learn my marketing secrets for building a great voice over business from the ground up? Our next Voice Over Accelerator Bootcamp is June 16-18. Click or call 800-333-8108