VO Beginner? This marketing tip will help

VO Beginner? This marketing tip will help

Sometimes the truth is short, sweet and to the point; other times it can be painful to hear. So I guess I hit a nerve when I shared these priceless words of marketing wisdom I got from marketing guru Dan Kennedy. I even got some “nasty pants” pushback from...
Your voice on audiobooks

Your voice on audiobooks

Are you one of those people who have gone on a news diet to maintain your sanity these days? Are you limiting your consumption of CNN, FOX, MSNBC, BBC– taking only a quick sip here and there to make sure the world isn’t blowing up (it is). Or are you one...
How to have the perfect voice over demo

How to have the perfect voice over demo

Early in my voice over career the police found my demo in the pocket of a homeless man. How do I know? It had my phone number on it and they called me thinking the guy may have grabbed my purse or something. But no…the homeless guy had my demo CD because he fished it...
Are you complicating your voice over biz

Are you complicating your voice over biz

Here’s a common question: do you need a business license, tax accountant or even a lawyer to launch your new voice over business? Relax! Starting a voice over business is easier (and much less expensive) than you think. Let’s take a look at how to get...