by Susan | May 3, 2019 | Voice Over Articles
In my voice over career I’ve auditioned for some pretty strange stuff. A candy bar commercial where the only words in the script were Ooooo, Ahhh. A suburban Mom where they had me read from the murder tale “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote just to get...
by Susan | Apr 24, 2019 | Voice Over Articles
Did you play an instrument as a kid? I took piano lessons from a teacher who smelled like stale cigarettes and poked my finger with a pencil every time I hit a wrong note– which was often. It’s a wonder I don’t have lead poisoning. Practice was...
by Susan | Apr 19, 2019 | Voice Over Articles
I know it’s a busy holiday weekend so I’ll be brief. This week’s Inside Voice Over video training blog contains a valuable checklist for how to prepare an audio book. Watch the short video below And have a great weekend, okay? Hope it’s...
by Susan | Apr 12, 2019 | Voice Over Articles
If anyone ever tells you voice over is a dying medium, there’s too much competition and all the good jobs are already taken, you have my permission to laugh in their face and call them an idiot. Seriously. They have no idea what they’re talking about. Just...
by Susan | Apr 5, 2019 | Voice Over Articles
So, you’re getting ready to start a new business, your voice over business. Congratulations! You need business cards, because that’s what everyone does when they start a business, and a nifty logo because you gotta’ have one of those too, right? How...