
Imagine being known as the signature voice of a company, the famous voice of a famous brand.

A “locked in” position like this is the golden ticket in voice over.

I am fortunate to have done so not once, but twice in my voice over career. First, for AT&T and now for Citibank who I continue to record for almost daily.

For me, the key has always been to keep the customer once you get them and to make sure you always provide world-class quality and customer service.

That’s obvious.

But how do you land these kinds of customers in the first place? How do you book that very first job?

It often starts with an audition and I’ve identified 4 ways to position yourself so your customers know you are “signature voice” ready.

Watch It Here Now

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Let me know your thoughts in the comments box. I want to read about what’s on your mind so I can support you and share your best practices.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company