
Best breathing exercises for voice over

This week I've got answers to one of the most common questions I get: what's the best way to breathe for voice over? Actually because voice over is more like speaking than singing, you don't need a lot of breath support or complicated breathing techniques. But many...

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The voice over session from hell

So you book your first professional voice over. Congratulations! You're so excited you tell everyone you know. You've got the script, your home studio is all ready to go and your client will be calling in to direct you over the phone. The session begins, things start...

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How to properly edit scripts with too many words

It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when. It's a sure bet that one day one of your voice over clients will send you a script with too many words and expect you to read it in too little time. In commercial voice over the spot you are reading (or auditioning for)...

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Are you making this BIG voice over mistake?

This week we're going to take a hard look at a mindset issue that could be affecting your voice over success. I'm going to be a little blunt here so I hope you don't mind. So here's the question: When you approach potential voice buyers are you acting like a peer or...

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Top Dollar for your Voice Over Work

Many people say voice over is so much fun they'd do it for free. And yes, it is fun. But unless you've taken a vow of poverty or are independently wealthy, why would you give away your valuable talent without being fairly compensated? Yet that's what many people do....

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How to get rid of hissing Sibilant S

Ever listen back to a recording of your voice and hear a hissing sound whenever you say a word with the letter 's' in it? That's plenty of words and it doesn't sound very good, does it? In fact, if a hissing S is not controlled it will stop your promising voice over...

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How to improve you voice over timing

There are a lot of moving parts to a voice over performance: your character, the product, the microphone. But there's other key piece that's often overlooked: your sense of timing timing. Beginners often get so carried away with their performance that they forgot the...

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Top 7 ways to get rid of mouth noise

Aaargh! Mouth noise. It's the curse of every voice talent. You record your best takes, listen to the playback and there they are-crackles, slurps and clicks. Don't think your potential clients won't notice. They do. Bad mouth noise can completely blow an audition....

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Imagination The Third Key of Voice Acting

Imagining leprechauns and pots of gold? Then you're perfectly in synch with today's Inside Voice Over video lesson, which is all about imagination, the third tenet of voice acting. To do good voice over, win auditions and get lots of work, you really need an active...

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Concentration The second key of voice acting

Do you have a hard time staying focused? Does your mind wander or jump from one thing to the next? If so, you're not alone. In this age of information overload almost everyone feels like they can barely keep their thoughts straight. Yet being able to really...

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The VO Accelerator Bootcamp

Great Voice Studios, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

March 23-25, 2019

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