
Book More Voice-Over Work By Asking Better Questions
By Susan Berkley

As you build your voice-over business, you’ll be making lots of prospecting calls. The worst thing you can do is meekly ask the voice buyer if they like your demo and then hurry off the phone yet that’s what many people do.

The best thing you can do is to use each call as an opportunity to qualify your prospects and forge a profitable relationship. It’s hard enough to get producers, casting directors and agents on the phone so when you do, you better have some great questions ready to get them talking.

The two types of questions to ask voice buyers

There are two types of questions, closed ended and open ended.

Closed ended questions can be answered by a simple yes or no. Open ended questions are designed to get your prospect talking and build empathy.

Here are examples of open ended questions that will get your prospects talking, build rapport and give you valuable information you can use in your marketing:

“I’m curious about your company. Tell me more about what you do.”

“That’s interesting. How did you get into that type of production work?”

“Please help me understand how you find your voice talent?”

Here are some examples of closed ended questions and how to use them:

“Even though you have a stable of talent you usually work with, wouldn’t you agree that it’s a good idea to expand your talent pool in the event that there’s a need for someone who sounds like me?” (NOTE: it’s pretty hard to say no to this one!)

“Are you in front of the computer right now? May I take you over to my website so we can quickly review my demo?”

“If we work together in the future, I’ve got my own home studio and can turn many jobs around quickly. That would be valuable to you, wouldn’t it?” (Again, it’s almost guaranteed that they will say yes.)

Master the art of asking good questions and your voice over prospecting calls will become a pleasure rather than a chore. As prospects sense you take a genuine interest in them, they’ll feel good about you, and that’s the first step to getting called for work.


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Susan Berkley is a top voice over artist and founder of The Great Voice Company, a company devoted to teaching great voices around the world how to become successful voice over actors. The Great Voice Company is an international leader in voice over training and in providing top quality voice over recordings in all languages to discerning businesses and marketers. For additional information visit

Copyright 2012, The Great Voice Company. All Rights Reserved. Book More Voice-Over Work By Asking Better Questions.