
Mouth noise got you down?

Clicks, pops, a hissing S—mouth noise is the bane of  all voice over talent. Sure, folk remedies like eating green apples and sipping teas and other potions can help, but now there are some technical fixes you can use to minimize, and maybe even eliminate the problem...

Voice Over Networking Tips That Really Work!

Nothing beats face time for making a lasting and favorable impression that can lead to work. Here are some networking tips inspired by my friend Shannon McCaffery on her blog One of our Career Launcher program members told me recently how...

Do you know this about voice over scripts?

If you are new to voice over I’m about to give you some insider information that will help you breathe a big sigh of relief. The secret is: you don’t have to read the script perfectly all the way through. I know this may seem obvious to people who’ve...