
Want to know a great, inexpensive way to stay top-of-mind with your voice over prospects and clients? Postcards!


Here’s why they work so well:

When voice buyers have a voice-over to cast, they sometimes don’t have time to hassle with an audition and listen to tens, if not hundreds of submissions. They might have a few reliable voice talents they typically work with but their client is looking for something different.

When the job comes in, they often don’t have time to go through lots of demos. But they’ve been getting regular postcards from this one talent (you?) who sounded pretty good when they spoke to them last week. Now what was their name? AHHH! Here’s a postcard with their name and number! Perfect timing! They call you and you get the gig.

Now, about size…

Bigger is definitely better. First, an oversized postcard stands out from the pack and second, it gives you more room for copy. Your postcard should have…

A benefit laden headline about how you will make their life easier.

Testimonials. Ask clients and friends in the business and offer to write the testimonial for them. Tell them they can change it if they like but they’ll often give you permission to use your words verbatim.

Bragging about recent jobs. (If you haven’t booked anything, don’t sweat it) Send a postcard anyway.

A clear call to action: name, mobile phone number, email, website where they can hear your demo. Sounds obvious but I have gotten postcards from people who have omitted vital contact information.

Your postcard should also transmit a “feeling” that matches your voice print. If you’re a character voice, don’t send something somber. If you do medical narrations, use a medical theme. You get the idea. You can also “theme” your postcards around holidays and other fun stuff.

All this being said, a down and dirty, name and number postcard is better than nothing at all. Don’t waste time getting ready to get ready and just get something in the mail. You’ll be amazed and pleased with the results.


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Susan Berkley is a top voice over artist and founder of The Great Voice Company, a company devoted to teaching great voices around the world how to become successful voice over actors. The Great Voice Company is an international leader in voice over training and in providing top quality voice over recordings in all languages to discerning businesses and marketers. For additional information visit

Copyright 2012, The Great Voice Company. All Rights Reserved. How To Keep In Touch with Voice Over Postcards.