There are a lot of moving parts to a voice over performance: your character, the product, the microphone. But there’s other key piece that’s often overlooked: your sense of timing timing.
Beginners often get so carried away with their performance that they forgot the commercial needs to fit within :60 seconds or less.
You’ve got to keep things moving without sacrificing all the good stuff you’re doing with your voice acting.
Many people get lazy about timing because these days, if your performance is too fast or too slow, it can be fixed in post-production. But it’s still a key skill you need to know as a professional.
The good news is that once you develop your sense of timing, it’s a little like learning how to ride a bicycle. You never forget!
In today’s Inside Voice Over video training I share my best techniques to improve your voice over timing. Try them out and let me know how they work for you.
Watch It Here Now
After you watch the video, I want to know your thoughts. Has timing in voice over been a challenge for you? How are you dealing with it?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments box. I want to read about what’s on your mind so I can support you.
To your voice over success,
Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company
P.S. Good news! Registration is now open for our Voice Over Bootcamp Recording Studio Immersion Experience in NYC June 18-20. Get details here or call 800-333-8108.
Interesting. When I worked in broadcasting (mumblemumble years ago—a-hem!), there was always a big analog clock on the wall that I could use to pace and judge my timing. But back then, I had the luxury of waiting until the clock came around to the top, since I was doing all my own production. Watching that second-hand was a great help. Not sure how that will translate to the digits counting up! I’m sure I can get used to it, but I bet it will take some effort.
They still make those big analog clocks. You can always stick with that. I wont tell :-)Thanks for your comment David! – SB
Excellent (as always) advice, Susan. What I come across is copy that is too long for the spot, yet client doesn”t want any content cut! It ends up sounding like a speed reading drill. After recording it for them, they usually come around.
Thats my secret too, Keith. My friends in Texas call it trying to stuff 10 lbs of BS into a 20 lb bag!
Thanks for your comment and continued success- Susan
OOPs= got it backwards…thats 20 lbs of BS into a….you get the idea 🙂 SB
Yes! Thanks for the tip. The white space and ‘art’ of pauses between sentences is something I appreciated use of in Toastmasters. Much different when public speaking for much longer intervals, but definitely more focus with a 30 sec or 60 sec limit.
Yes, Eddie. Everything is more compressed in VO. Thanks for the comment- Susan
I’m usually very good with timing, because of my natural rhythm ability when I was in radio, as well as being a musician, (singer, guitar player) all my life. Also, I always practice. When a song comes on the radio I adlib right up to the post and in 95% of cases, I’m usually right on. I don’t think timing would be a big problem for me, and yes, I am currently a voice over guy. I really believe you have to kind of have that mental clock inside you.
You sound like a talented guy! You’re right, Steve. Once you get the timing embedded, you never lose it. Thanks for your comment. Susan
Steve– You absolutely do, but it usually needs some training. Easily done, but takes a bit of practice.
Thank you, man for the amazing work you did for me. You are really awesome and professional. What a talent. It’s nice to know, recommended post.