
Do you know your voice over niche?

A niche is a market within a market. For example, audio books and video games are niche markets. So are commercials and e-learning.

Marketing to a niche is a good thing because it helps you narrow down the field of voice over prospects. It also helps you tailor your demo and marketing materials to the specific needs and interests of those potential customers.

Some niches will suit you more than others. For example, if you are not a fluid reader, then text-heavy niches like audio books will be more difficult for you than other niches with shorter copy.

And while you might be more attracted to some niches than others, the market will ultimately tell you where your talents lie.

I created the first voice over programs to help you explore the niche markets and was the first to teach deeply on this subject.

But I think I may have created a monster! A lot of people are worried and stressing needlessly about which niche is best for them and where they should start.

Let’s fix that right now

Watch It Here Now

After you watch the video, I want to know your thoughts. Was this helpful? Write to me in the comments box. I want to learn what’s on your mind so I can support you and share your best practices.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company


P.S. Our next Voice Over Accelerator Bootcamp is March 25-27 at our studios in Englewood Cliffs, NJ. This exclusive Bootcamp for voice over newcomers and emerging talent is strictly limited to 10 people and only a handful of seats remain. It’s the best place to start and grow your career in 2017. Interested? Call us at 800-333-8108 or email

Go here now: or call 800-333-8108.