
Whether you are a voice over beginner or emerging voice talent, here are some important guidelines to follow when reaching out to prospective voice over buyers.

Prospecting for voice over work is much more than finding producers and other voice buyers on line and emailing them your voice over demo. Sales studies show it takes at least 11 contacts (and probably more) to turn the average prospect into a buyer.

To close the deal, you’ll have to use a variety of marketing methods including follow up phone calls and sending letters and postcards by mail. This takes time and careful planning, especially if your schedule is already packed.

But how can you make the most of your precious time?

The rule is: only send your demo to qualified prospects. A qualified prospect is someone who not only uses voice talent but is willing and able to pay for your work. In other words, only send your demo to someone who wants what you offer and can afford to pay your fee.

I believe you should qualify your voice over prospects by classifying them as one of these 5 types:

A’s : looking for voice talent right now.
B’s : casting within 3 months.
C’s : have pending projects with no specific date.
D’s : gathering demos for their files.
E’s : will never be a paying client.

It’s obvious that E’s (and probably D’s) are time wasters. Keep in mind that a C can suddenly become an A, so the classification is fluid. My handy classification system will help you spend the most time with those prospects who are most likely to hire you and avoid wasting time on those who won’t.

Assign each prospect a letter and sort accordingly in your database. Make this easy for yourself by using contact management software. You’ll start a new record for each prospect.

I’ve developed 5 questions to help you qualify your prospects and weed out time-wasting duds. Ask these questions when you get a prospect (or an assistant) on the phone.

1. Are you currently working on projects that will require professional voice talent?
2. When will you be recording?
3. How often do you hire voice talent?
4. Are there other talents of my type you use regularly?
5. Would you be willing to consider me for your next project?

Your Inside Voice Over Assignment:

Install contact management software on your computer. Even if you’re just starting out, it’s important to have a good sales system in place before you begin. Many people like ACT and Goldmine. You’ll find other cost effective solutions online.

It takes a bit of work up front, but once you get it in place, you’ll be amazed at how much it will help you grow your voice over business.

If you’d like to see the exact script I use to qualify my voice over prospects (and get tons of clients) I recommend getting a copy of my Voice Over Success Blueprint Home Study System. The script is there for you to use on page 125 and will save you LOTS of time and effort. Feel free to model it. And while you’re at it my Voice Over Marketing Blueprint Homestudy will show you step-by-step how to set up a low cost, easy to use home studio and a simple, highly effective marketing plan. All of the easy-to-follow tools, checklists and scripts are there for you to use. Get it at this link: Voice Over Marketing Blueprint Homestudy

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Susan Berkley is a top voice over artist and founder of The Great Voice Company, a company devoted to teaching great voices around the world how to become successful voice over actors. The Great Voice Company is an international leader in voice over training and in providing top quality voice over recordings in all languages to discerning businesses and marketers. For additional information visit

Copyright 2011, The Great Voice Company. All Rights Reserved. A Little Known Secret For Booking More Voice Over.