
Are Audio Books in Your Future?

A few years back I had the good fortune of hosting an audio book workshop with producer John McElroy and famed voice over audio book narrators Alan Sklar and George Guidall. Guidall had a great insight about the role of the narrator. He said he "sees himself as a...

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How to Avoid Annoying Mouth Noise

Mouth noise can be a real occupational hazard for voice over talents. Some producers will even stop hiring you if you can't get the problem under control. Ouch! But never fear, there are many things you can do to reduce or eliminate mouth noise. Here's how to get to...

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In voice over does funny equal money?

In voice over does funny equal money? A subscriber writes: "I have a strange voice I can do. It sounds like one of the munchkins or chipmunks. Everyone has been telling me for years to check into this kind of thing, but to be honest, I was too afraid of rejection and...

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Mouth noise got you down?

Clicks, pops, a hissing S—mouth noise is the bane of  all voice over talent. Sure, folk remedies like eating green apples and sipping teas and other potions can help, but now there are some technical fixes you can use to minimize, and maybe even eliminate the problem...

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Voice Over Networking Tips That Really Work!

Nothing beats face time for making a lasting and favorable impression that can lead to work. Here are some networking tips inspired by my friend Shannon McCaffery on her blog One of our Career Launcher program members told me recently how...

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Do you know this about voice over scripts?

If you are new to voice over I'm about to give you some insider information that will help you breathe a big sigh of relief. The secret is: you don't have to read the script perfectly all the way through. I know this may seem obvious to people who've been at this...

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Is ‘reverse breathing’ affecting your voice overs?

There is so much conflicting, and often confusing, information about the correct way to breathe for voice over work. Should your stomach go out or in when you inhale? How much breath do you actually need, and where the heck is your diaphragm anyway? If you've ever...

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How to Get In The Mood for a Voice Over Audition or Booking

Here's some performance advice for doing voice overs when you're just not in the mood. Maybe you just had an argument with someone or you're tired or extra busy and your mind is a million miles away. Happens to us all and when it does, here are some things you can do....

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Do you have nagging doubts about the sound of your voice?

A wise man said: the key to happiness is to be content with what you have. Kind of contrary to the way we live today, isn’t it? More, bigger, better. Many voice over talents become unnecessarily stressed about the way they sound, their signature sound. They think...

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Voice Over Start Here

Become a professional voice over artist working from home in audio books, video games, narrations and more.

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