
Are you making this BIG voice over mistake?

This week we’re going to take a hard look at a mindset issue that could be affecting your voice over success. I’m going to be a little blunt here so I hope you don’t mind. So here’s the question: When you approach potential voice buyers are you...

Top Dollar for your Voice Over Work

Many people say voice over is so much fun they’d do it for free. And yes, it is fun. But unless you’ve taken a vow of poverty or are independently wealthy, why would you give away your valuable talent without being fairly compensated? Yet that’s what...

How to get rid of hissing Sibilant S

Ever listen back to a recording of your voice and hear a hissing sound whenever you say a word with the letter ‘s’ in it? That’s plenty of words and it doesn’t sound very good, does it? In fact, if a hissing S is not controlled it will stop...

How to improve you voice over timing

There are a lot of moving parts to a voice over performance: your character, the product, the microphone. But there’s other key piece that’s often overlooked: your sense of timing timing. Beginners often get so carried away with their performance that they...