
You and I have spoken before about what I call “the attack of the killer voice over coaches”. These are unethical people who will string you along for months (and even years) of lessons before they finally permit you to make your first demo.

The reasons are obvious– more money for them.

But aside from the fact that this can really undermine your confidence, it’s just not based on reality.

Here’s why.

The only judge of readiness is the person willing to write you a check: the voice buyer.
Not me and not any other voice over teacher out there.

That’s just the reality of the business.

If someone is willing to pay you for your work, you’re ready.

And while I wish today’s voice buyers were more discerning and took the the time to carefully consider each demo, they don’t.

This is not America’s Got Talent or The Voice.

In many cases, if you’re good enough and present yourself professionally, you’re in.

But never forget, the true growth in your voice over skills comes when you start getting real life feedback from the marketplace and we’ll help you get there as fast as possible.

I’ve got a lot more to say on the subject in this week’s Inside Voice Over Video Training Blog. Click below to watch my short video and when you’re done, be sure to let me know what’s on your mind. I always love to hear from you!

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company


Just in time for the mid-term elections! Don’t miss my newest, most timely niche training: “How to succeed in Political Voice Overs With special guest, producer Burke Wood. Burke has produced hundreds of commercials for winning national, state and local campaigns. You’ll meet and read for Burke on this call and discover how to get onto the inside track for this lucrative voice over opportunity. First come, first served. This is a boutique training with only a few available seats

“How To succeed in Political Voice Overs”

Tuesday July 24
7-9 pm ET (6 CT, 5 MT, 6 PT)

Tuition: $175
To register: CLICK HERE
Call: 800-333-8108 x227 or