
We all get hoarse from time to time. Maybe you had a cold or yelled too much at a sporting event. It happens.

(By the way, please see your Doctor if hoarseness or sore throat persists.)

But there’s another surprising (and often invisible) cause for hoarseness that can do some real damage if you don’t take care of it.

That problem is acid reflux where stomach acid irritates your vocal folds making your voice sound dry and hoarse. Not good for a voice over artist!

I didn’t want to take over the counter medication, like Nexium or Prilosec, because of the potentially dangerous side effects.

But I was happy to find 3 simple, natural remedies that really work!

Watch this short video to learn what they are

After you watch the video, I want to know your thoughts. Was this helpful? Write to me in the comments box. I want to learn what’s on your mind so I can support you and share your best practices.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company


Jump start your voice over career at my BRAND NEW
VO Accelerator Bootcamp at The Great Voice Company Studios in Englewood Cliffs NJ Dec. 3-4 (with optional Tech Check Dec 5)

Get details here or call 800-333-8108.