
When asked about the art of acting Jack Nicholson said, “Eighty-five percent of acting is you. The other 15 percent is relaxation so that you can access you.”

That’s really great news.

If you’ve ever worried about finding your signature sound, here’s your answer straight from the mouth of a master– you already have it.

All you have to do is relax.

Now I know from years of experience that staying relaxed behind the mic is easier said than done.

We’re often cooped up in a little booth or hunched over a microphone surrounded by pillows and comforters in a makeshift isolation pod.

Who can relax in a situation like that?

To top it all off, we’re reading words we’d never say to anyone in a million years.

We’re trying to sound excited about the good news about psoriosis, the fine points of fiberglass insulation, the little plastic hair loop that turns a pony tail into 20 fabulous hairstyles.

I voiced that “as seen on TV” blockbuster for Topsy Tail and it made my client rich.

But that’s why we make the big money, right?

In this week’s Inside Voice Over I’ve got some relaxation exercises that will really help your voice over work. Try them out and let me know how they work. I always love to hear from you!

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company


At my Voice Over Accelerator Bootcamp June 16-18 at our studios in New Jersey we’re going to spend 2 ½ days going deep in applying my Voice Over Success blueprint to your business. Would you like to join us? Click here now for details and to watch a Case Study Interview with one of our student success stories: