
They stared at me in shocked amazement when I said this at my Mic To Money™ Voice Over Bootcamp last weekend.

But it’s one of the most valuable business-building secrets I learned from my marketing mentor Dan Kennedy so I couldn’t hold back.

This secret is second nature to successful business owners outside the voice over industry but it’s something voice actors and artists of all kinds resist, some quite fiercely.

In fact, the very thought of it is horrifying to some -especially those who approach voice over as a way to get attention and validate their egos.

I must admit it took a lot of courage to implement this in my own voice over business when I was starting out but once I did, things really began to take off…and fast!

And the funny thing is, doing this is not controversial at all. It’s just good business and creates good will. And once you get started, it’s actually enjoyable.

Some “voice of god” types may scoff at me and say I’m devaluing their artistry but you’ll just have to watch this week’s Inside Voice Over Video Training blog and judge for yourself.

Click the link below to watch the short video and when you’re done, be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley
Founder, The Great Voice Company

P.S. When you’re ready, the first step is my VO Start Here program including a professional voice consultation with our talent advisor and my Perfect Performance on-line training.
To get started, click here now

VO Start Here