
Have you heard the term “gig economy”? It’s the freelance economy and it’s flourishing.

53 million Americans (34 % of the American workforce) are working as freelancers.

And this is not babysitting money. The gig workforce adds $715 billion a year to the American economy.

The gig economy is growing even faster than traditional payroll employment and it pays well too. Nearly half of all freelancers say they expect their income to increase in the coming year and 77% of freelancers make the same or more money than before they started freelancing.

One of our students, who quit his job as an architect to become a freelance voice over artist, told me: “I wish I’d done this sooner!”

So why do people join the gig economy?

The #1 reason is to have more fun or do something in their spare time.

Many people do it to fill gaps in their income or take control of their schedule due to other obligations.

In this week’s Inside Voice Over I’ll take a look at voice over in the gig economy and share some of my best tips for making it work for you.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley,
Founder, The Great Voice Company


My Mic To Money voice over marketing training starts next Thursday July 12 and there’s still time for you to jump on board and learn my “Monetize Your Voice” system to have a profitable, freelance business working from home using your voice. Go here now for details: