
If anyone ever tells you voice over is a dying medium, there’s too much competition and all the good jobs are already taken, you have my permission to laugh in their face and call them an idiot.

Seriously. They have no idea what they’re talking about.

Just look at the audio book niche, for example. Over 40,000 audio books are published every year. The demand is huge and publishers can’t get them recorded fast enough.

Scott Brick, a top narrator, has a 6-month waiting list for his voice and many of our beginning students have gotten their first paying jobs in the audio book niche.

David Seager, a recent graduate of my Marketing Mentor program, gets great reviews for his books and just got signed to a multi-book contract.

The award-winning and much-loved narrators Tavia Gilbert and Pamela Almand are both graduates of my Voice Over Bootcamp and have made wonderful careers in this industry.

Yup, audio books are hot, but they’re not for everyone.

Although I could be a great narrator, I don’t do audio books because I don’t meet one of the key criteria I’ll tell you about in this week’s Inside Voice Over video training blog.

To find out why and discover if audio books is a good niche for you, click the link to watch this week’s short Inside Voice Over Video Training Blog and I’ll see you on the other side.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

To your voice over success,

Susan Berkley
Founder, The Great Voice Company

PS. Save the date! I’m doing a special on-line audio book training with award winning narrator Pamela Almand, The Captain’s Voice, on Weds. April 24. Be sure to check your email Monday for details.