
Are you one of those people who have gone on a news diet to maintain your sanity these days? Are you limiting your consumption of CNN, FOX, MSNBC, BBC– taking only a quick sip here and there to make sure the world isn’t blowing up (it is).

Or are you one of those people who can’t get enough of Dr. Fauci, case counts, mask wars?

If so, the new audio book “The Extinction Files,” narrated by the formidable Edoardo Ballerini, could be just perfect for you.

I think I’ll pass on that one, take a long, relaxing walk and check out Ballerini’s sensitive and acclaimed narration of Isabel Allende’s love story A Long Petal of the Sea instead.

But no matter what type of narrated fiction you prefer, we are undeniably in the age of the audio book. Audio book sales have topped a billion dollars and many of our students have carved out a nice niche for themselves as narrators.

By the way, I’ll be hosting a very special Audio Book Bootcamp on Saturday August 1st with award-winning audio book narrator Pamela Almand.

If you’d like to be notified so you can get all the details when we open up registration for the Audio Book Bootcamp,click here now to be added to the notification list.

And check out todays’ Inside Voice Over Video Training Blog and my short video on Audio Books as well.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

Susan Berkley
Signature voice of Citibank
Founder, The Great Voice Company

PS. Save the date! My Audio Book Bootcamp with award-winning narrator Pamela Almand is Saturday August 1. Details and registration coming next week.CLICK HERE TO BE ADDED TO THE NOTIFACTION LIST