Who should NOT do voice overs

Who should NOT do voice overs

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Don’t quit your day job.” It calls to mind humiliating Star Search auditions or your tone deaf Cousin Zelda screeching her favorite aria at Thanksgiving dinner…again. Nobody wants to be “that...
Is your VO demo emotional enough?

Is your VO demo emotional enough?

Your voice over demo is your calling card. Without it, your voice over career is nothing but a dream. It goes without saying that your \demo should be professionally produced and coached and should never be boring. But the most interesting and effective demos also...
How To Practice Voice Overs

How To Practice Voice Overs

Ever hear of the jazz guitarist Joe Pass? Check him out sometime if you want to hear a true virtuoso. I love to listen to great musicians before I start my day. I’m humbled and inspired by their dedication and focus. One the winning habits of great musicians is...