
When I was a kid I had a piano teacher who was a bit of a sadist.

Whenever I hit a wrong note, he’d jam my finger with his pencil–a frequent occurrence.

It took the joy out of practicing my favorite songs from the Monkee’s Greatest Hits
song book propped on the music stand of our gleaming new piano. I guess I just didn’t want it badly enough.

The best musicians practice every chance they get and reap big rewards. Even if they’re not professional, they experience the joy and satisfaction of making music for themselves and others. I envy them.

Voice over is one of those skills that looks deceptively easy. You’re just reading aloud, right?

Well not exactly, and certainly not if you want to get paid.

Pros practice to become fluid readers, to speak someone else’s words as if they were your own. To nail timing, inflection -to deepen your understanding of character and tone, to experiment with vocal placement and texture.

In this week’s Inside Voice Over video training blog I’ve got a collection of my best Voice Over professional practice tips.

Watch this week’s short training video Here Now

After you watch the video be sure to leave a comment. I always love to hear from you so I can support you as you grow your voice over career.

Susan Berkley
Signature voice of Citibank
Founder, The Great Voice Company

Start your new voice over career in 2020 at The Great Voice Studios at our next Bootcamp March 7-9. In this 2 ½ day voice over training intensive I’ll teach you how to perform and walk you through my Mic To Money VO marketing blueprint, plus you get a tech check with our expert audio engineer. Only 10 available seats. Call 800-333-8108 or Go here to find out more