by Susan | Jan 15, 2016 | Voice Over Articles
This time of year, many people are in the gym, hoping to make good on their New Years resolution to get into shape. If they’re smart, they start every workout with a warm up. And you should do the same for every voice over audition or job, too. But do you know... by Susan | Dec 22, 2015 | Voice Over Articles
Getting ready for the big New Year celebration? Me too! You’re in the right place if you want to make 2016 your best year ever. In the New Year you’ll hopefully be doing lots of voice overs. You’ll mostly be recording from your home studio, but every... by Susan | Dec 22, 2015 | Voice Over Articles
As you grow your voice over career, you’ll probably be doing lots of auditions. While I teach my students how to get work without auditioning and competing with other voice actors, auditions are fun and you never know when you’ll book something really... by Susan | Dec 17, 2015 | Voice Over Articles
Some people wrack their brains trying to figure this one out. They spend a ton of money on high-priced branding packages: professionally designed logos, mousepads, coffee cups and other gimmicks to try to grab attention. But does it work? Is it really worth the money?... by Susan | Dec 10, 2015 | Voice Over Articles
If you’re just getting started in voice over, you want to make sure you keep your customers happy, right? After all, repeat business is the key to massive voice over success. You want to make sure your customers keep coming back for more. Well, you may be... by Susan | Dec 3, 2015 | Voice Over Articles
Getting ready to do your voice over website? There are so many things to think about… Which domain name should you buy? Should you hire a web designer (and pay them a small fortune) or try to do it yourself? Include your picture? Where should you put your demos? Your...