
Shaky Voice? Here’s Help

Shaky Voice? Here's Help By Susan Berkley A subscriber writes: "Whenever I get nervous my voice gets shaky. It's embarrassing. How can I fix it without medication?" SUSAN: When we become nervous our body secretes adrenaline, known as the stress hormone. The purpose of...

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My most Important Voice Over Revelation

My most Important voice over revelation By Susan Berkley At last week's "6 Figure Shortcut Event" I walked participants through my exclusive "Monetize Your Voice System" and shared the key distinctions that have allowed the great voices who follow my roadmap to enjoy...

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Do You Suffer from “Voice Immodulation”?

Do You Suffer from "Voice Immodulation"? By Susan Berkley Some years ago on TV's Saturday Night Live, actor Will Ferrell played Jacob Silj, a newscaster who suffers from "Voice Immodulation Syndrome" or the inability to modulate his voice. Unfortunately for Jacob, his...

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Top 3 Ways to Help a Nasal-Sounding Voice

Top 3 Ways to Help a Nasal-Sounding Voice By Susan Berkley A subscriber writes: "I enjoy reading your newsletters - Like many people I want to improve my speaking voice as I am keen to help with my work on radio. I notice my voice is often a little too nasal and...

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4 Simple Secrets For Getting Them To Return Your Calls

4 Simple Secrets For Getting Them To Return Your Calls By Susan Berkley If I do say so myself, this weeks article is so important you're going to want to print it out and save it, especially if you're just starting out. Here's why. Whether you are a new beginner to...

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How to Avoid the 9 Most Common Pronunciation Mistakes

How to Avoid the 9 Most Common Pronunciation Mistakes By Susan Berkley Pronouncing words incorrectly can make you sound uneducated and less intelligent than you really are. Here is my list of the Top Nine- excerpted from my book "Speak To Influence: How To Unlock The...

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My Top 7 Ways To Read A Script Without Gasping For Air

My Top 7 Ways To Read A Script Without Gasping For AirBy Susan Berkley An Inside Voice Over subscriber writes: When I read scripts, I often run out of breath and make big, sloppy slurping sounds as I gasp for air How can I improve my breath control? Susan Berkley: "I...

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10 Ways to Have Great Handouts

10 Ways to Have Great Handouts By Susan Berkley - INCLUDE 'DO IT" PAGES Help attendees take action after hearing you speak by giving them lots of pages with blank space for writing down: - Key idea - How I can apply it - My action items related to this idea - INCLUDE...

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