Voice Over Enunciation: What You Need to Know
Hey, it's Susan Berkley from greatvoice.com with The Inside Voice-over video training blog, and today for the new year, happy new year, we're going to talk about two words that give people a lot of trouble and that is the difference between pronounce and enunciate....
Top 7 Tips for Effective Voice Over Auditions
Hey Susan Berkley here, this is the Inside Voice Over video training blog. This week we're going to talk about an important fact of voice over life, and that is auditions. So I've got seven best practices for you today for doing them well. So the first thing is, is...
Voice Over Practice Tips
Hey, I'm Susan Berkley with the inside voice of our video training bug and this week we're going to talk about how to practice so you can get better at what you do. So I've got a method that I have fine tuned over the years and many of my students have done this and...
Voice Over Relaxation Exercises
I'm Susan Berkley. This is the Inside Voiceover video training blog. We're going to talk about relaxation this weekend. To start off, I've got a great quote from the actor Jack Nicholson who said, "Eighty five percent of acting is you, and the other 15% is relaxation...
Top 6 Ways to Look Great to Your VO Customers
I'm Susan Berkley with the Inside Voiceover Video Training Blog. This week, we're going to talk about six ways to look great to your voiceover customers. If you're just starting out, save this video because one day you are going to get your first gig and you want to...
Studio Tips to Make You a Better Voice Talent
Susan Berkley here with the Inside Voice Over Video training blog. The subject this week is some tips for working in what we're going to call an outside studio. Not at home, but there might be times when you get called to go into a professional recording studio in...
Know this about VO Scripts
I'm Susan Berkley with the Inside Voice Over Video Training Blog, and this week we're going to talk about your voice over scripts. I've got some great tips for you on how to read them better, because the first thing is, you got to make sure you understand what they're...
VO Beginner? This marketing tip will help
Sometimes the truth is short, sweet and to the point; other times it can be painful to hear. So I guess I hit a nerve when I shared these priceless words of marketing wisdom I got from marketing guru Dan Kennedy. I even got some "nasty pants" pushback from a few...
Your voice on audiobooks
Are you one of those people who have gone on a news diet to maintain your sanity these days? Are you limiting your consumption of CNN, FOX, MSNBC, BBC-- taking only a quick sip here and there to make sure the world isn't blowing up (it is). Or are you one of those...
5 Tips for Recording Voice Overs when you travel
Hope you had a great holiday weekend! Last week I actually got on a plane for a short business trip, masked and sanitized, grateful for all the airline personnel who did their best to make it possible. Getting back on an airplane wasn't too bad, but let's face it,...
The VO Accelerator Bootcamp
Great Voice Studios, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
March 23-25, 2019
Questions? Contact Mark
201-541-8595 or talent@greatvoice.com
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