
Got questions about your voice over website?

Getting ready to do your voice over website? There are so many things to think about… Which domain name should you buy? Should you hire a web designer (and pay them a small fortune) or try to do it yourself? Include your picture? Where should you put your demos? Your...

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Do You Need Voice Over Scripts?

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so grateful you're in my life and a subscriber to Inside Voice Over. Whatever your plans, I hope your holiday is filled with friends, family and wonderful memories. This week, I'd like to answer a common question: Where can I find scripts for...

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How long does it take to make money in voice over?

This week I'm going to tackle a very delicate question. It's one we get a lot. How long does it *really* take to make money in voice over? Let me be perfectly straight with you. If you need money now, this is not the path for you. As a voice over artist, you're a...

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Voice Overs and your day job

Got a day job? Whether you love it or hate it, it (hopefully) pays the rent and that's a good thing. I suggest that you hang on to your day job until you're good and ready to let it go. But how do you squeeze your new voice over career into your busy nine to five...

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No-cost home recording tricks

If you're just getting started in voice over, setting up your home studio can seem a little intimidating. Which equipment should you buy? Where should you put your studio? And more importantly, how do you prepare the space? Nothing beats having a professional voice...

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Should you ever do voice overs for free?

It seems like good news. Someone invites you to do a voice over job. Pretty cool, right? But there's just one catch. There's no pay. At first you hesitate. This wasn't what you signed up for. Then you think again and wonder "Hmmm"… "Maybe it's a good way to get...

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Do you know this about voice over scripts?

Some years ago I was called down to Madison Avenue to audition for a voice over for a candy bar commercial. There was no script. All they wanted me to say was "Oooo!" "Ahhh" as many different ways as I could. I didn't get the job. And although I was a failure at...

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How to make a fortune in hidden voice overs

The more I read comments from people struggling to make a living in voice over... ...the more I think they are ignoring a huge opportunity for succeeding. What about you? If you've been auditioning and auditioning, for way too long, without seeing the results... and...

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Your voice on audio books?

More than 6 million of them are sold every year. Producers and publishers are always looking for good talent to record them. But being a successful audio book narrator takes a lot more than a pleasant reading voice. A good narrator must become the story. Audio book...

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About Jobs In Telephone Voice Overs

You probably do this hundreds of times a year and never give it a second thought. And maybe you even grumbled (or cursed) just a little. I'm willing to bet money that in the past week or maybe even today, you picked up the phone and interacted with an Interactive...

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