
How to Make Money in Radio Imaging Voice Over

How to Make Money in Radio Imaging Voice Over By Susan Berkley Next time you listen to the radio pay attention to the voices you hear on the air. There's music or talk and a show host, of course. But there are also other incidental voices that speak the station call...

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Do you suffer from Voice Over OVERWHELM?

Do all the moving parts to a successful voice over career make your head spin? Well, you came to the right place. Here are my favorite ways to banish voice over worry and  help you stay relaxed and focused as you grow your career. 1. Drain The Brain We often can’t...

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Do You Know Your Voice Over Archetype?

One of the most frustrating things for voice over beginners and experienced pros is giving voice buyers, producers and casting directors exactly what they want. In the old days we auditioned live at an agent, client or casting director's office. And while it was often...

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How to Find a Voice Over Agent Who Cares

Thinking of getting started in voice over? Made your demo and ready to launch? No matter where you are in your career, the right talent agent can really give things a boost. But how do you find an agent who can really help your career? What A Talent Agent Can Do For...

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Best practices for flawless self-direction

Years ago voice talent could count on the luxury of having a booth director—someone to listen and shape their reads in auditions. Today that luxury is almost non- existent. When you record from your home studio, you’re on your own. Beginning talent tell me they feel...

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Do you know this trick for recording voice overs at home?

Many newcomers to voice over don't understand the difference between sound proofing and sound isolation. A sound proof room is resistant to the passage of sound. A completely sound proof recording space can be expensive and difficult to achieve in a home studio, but...

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Voice Over on Vacation: 3 Great Recording Tips

As a voice over artist, you’ve got to be ready to audition and respond to clients’ needs at a moments notice.You can always book yourself out during vacations and let people know you’ll be unavailable, but many people prefer to bring their mic and laptop to record...

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Voice Over Start Here

Become a professional voice over artist working from home in audio books, video games, narrations and more.

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