by Susan | Jan 24, 2019 | Voice Over Articles
We’re joining the party here, too and I’m planning a big “Blow Up-Blow Out Sale” this weekend on a bundle of some of our best voice over training programs so watch your email on Saturday to get in on the fun. Anyway, that’s enough talk...
by Susan | Nov 14, 2018 | Voice Over Articles
I once went to a seminar taught by a #1 NY Times bestselling author. She didn’t reach #1 by buying thousands of copies of her own book as some people do. This woman was the real deal, and I’ll never forget what she said. She said being #1 is over-rated....
by Susan | Oct 31, 2018 | Voice Over Articles
The other day I was talking to a friend who is on one of the on-line casting sites. Like many people he is doing lots of auditions but barely getting any jobs. So he did some research, listened to the work of the talents who were booking a lot and had a BIG scary...
by Susan | Oct 24, 2018 | Voice Over Articles
I’ve been in the business long enough to remember recording on reel to reel tape. In my voice over studio I had two huge Tascam reel to reel machines, lots of white wax pencils, sticky tape, razor blades and band aids. Fixing flubs was a real ordeal ....
by Susan | Jul 26, 2018 | Voice Over Articles
He’s a big-time producer and director, hiring voice talent almost daily. So when he told me what happens with some of the voice talent he works with I was shocked. It’s about scratch tracks. A scratch track is a reference voice over that a videographer...